iMPACT 2017.03.03

iMPACT 2017.03.03
  • 系列:TNA Impact


    城市: -

  1. TNA女子冠军 Last Knockout Standing赛
  2. Rosemary (c) vs. Jade
  3. 单打赛
  4. James Storm (w/Bram & Kingston) vs. Jessie Godderz
  5. TNA X组别冠军
  6. Trevor Lee (w/Gregory Shane Helms) (c) vs. Andrew Everett
  7. TNA世界双打冠军 / MCW 团队 Title赛
  8. The Broken Hardys (Brother Nero & Matt Hardy) (w/King Maxel, Rebecca Hardy & Senor Benjamin) (c) vs. The Ecktourage (Dirty Money & Eric Chapel) (c)
  9. TNA大满贯冠军
  10. Drew Galloway (c) vs. Moose
  11. Impact世界冠军腰带
  12. LAshley (c) vs. Josh Barnett
  1. TNA女子冠军 Last Knockout Standing赛
  2. Rosemary (c) 战胜 Jade (11:20)
  3. 单打赛
  4. James Storm (w/Bram & Kingston) 战胜 Jessie Godderz (6:30)
  5. TNA X组别冠军
  6. Trevor Lee (w/Gregory Shane Helms) (c) 战胜 Andrew Everett (7:20)
  7. TNA世界双打冠军 / MCW 团队 Title赛
  8. The Broken Hardys (Brother Nero & Matt Hardy) (w/King Maxel, Rebecca Hardy & Senor Benjamin) (c) [TNA] 战胜 The Ecktourage (Dirty Money & Eric Chapel) (c) [MCW]
  9. TNA大满贯冠军
  10. Moose 战胜 Drew Galloway (c)
  11. Impact世界冠军腰带
  12. LAshley (c) 战胜 Josh Barnett (9:01)